First Visit in Burke VA

As a new patient in our office in Burke VA, our main goal is to figure out what is causing your pain or discomfort, and provide the best treatment plan based on your diagnosis to get you out of pain as fast as possible, and educate you on what going on with your body all while providing exceptional customer service. Our front office is designed to make you feel welcomed and comfortable. The office manager will provide a warm greeting and assist you in getting paperwork and insurance information taken care of before your visit with Dr. Sullivan begins.
Your First Visit to NOVA Chiropractic & Acupuncture in Burke VA
The Paperwork
NOVA Chiropractic understands that filling out paperwork can be time consuming. For this reason we offer safe and secure electronic new patient forms to provide easier, faster, and more accurate submission of patient information. The online new patient forms can be found here. Once you arrive to the office, there will be just a few additional in-house forms to read over and sign and the office manager will make a photo copy of your insurance card and ID. For those that feel more comfortable filling out all the paperwork at the office, we always have hard-copy forms available. Feel free to enjoy complimentary coffee, tea, and hot chocolate while you fill out any of the forms!
The Assessment
After talking and listening with the patient and reviewing the patient’s medical history, Dr. Sullivan will conduct a thorough assessment to determine areas of dysfunction and to accurately locate the source of the problem. Many patients will discover that the areas to which they are experiencing pain main not always be the location of the region that needs treatment.
To determine the areas of dysfunction, Dr. Sullivan may perform a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and a Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). The Functional Movement Screen tests natural fundamental movements and captures if there are any imbalances or restrictions. The screen will determine the greatest areas of movement deficiency, demonstrate limitations or asymmetries, and provide an assessed outcome. The Selective Functional Movement Assessment is designed to assess fundamental patterns of movement in those with known muscular pain.
The Treatment Plan
NOVA Chiropractic’s goal is to diagnose accurately, provide an effective treatment, to get you out of pain as quickly as possible, and provide you with the right tools to maintain the results of the treatment at home. A treatment plan may consist of 3-4 visits, 6-8 visits, or 10-12 visits. It all depends on how chronic and severe the injury is. Each week, Dr. Sullivan will reevaluate the healing progress and recommend the course of treatment for the following week. Once Dr. Sullivan gets you out of pain and has successfully treated the injuries, most patients schedule on an as-needed basis.
7:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
NOVA Chiropractic & Acupuncture
5288 Lyngate Ct
Burke, VA 22015